PRESS PLAY Episode 44: Red Ensign

Episode 44: Red Ensign
February 8, 2024
Red Ensign (2015)

Jason Doell (CA), composer

HATCH 2023 Ensemble
Sara Constant, flute
Juliette Moreno, clarinet
Roan Ma, violin
Audréanne Filion, cello
Megaria Halim, piano
Alex Fraga, percussion
Monica Chen, conductor

Programme Note:

Red Ensign is a whisper on a frayed thread that hangs from a canopy in much the same manner a brick doesn’t – or can’t. These sounds aren’t echoes and they certainly do not wave in the wind, not in one manner nor another. Instead the hums, crackles, pitches, and buzzes slowly wobble into/through/beside, and around one another as they cover, as they smother, as they conceal, as they lay draped across the fractures and fissures of long-ruined forms.

This recording is provided by Ottawa Chamberfest.
Monica Chen appears courtesy of Tapestry Opera’s Women in Musical Leadership program.

PRESS PLAY Episode 44: Red Ensign

production sponsors

Dr. Peter Burns

The Mary-Margaret Webb Foundation