PRESS PLAY Episode 40: The Beehive


Episode 40: The Beehive
October 12, 2023 7pm
The Beehive* (2023)

Jacob Eaton (CA), Teen Composer Award recipient
Aaron Schwebel, violin
Carol Lynn Fujino, violin
Sheila Jaffe, viola
Paul Widner, cello

* world premiere

Programme Note:
“The Bee Hive is a suite composed of three movements.

The first movement, “Gathering Gold,” is a rhythmical telling of the way the bees gather pollen and nectar for the hive. The lower two voices encapsulate the continuous hum of the bees on their journey to find flowers. The upper voices represent the seemingly aimless flight pattern of the bees. The movement ends with the bees finding pollen and nectar and leisurely returning to the hive.

The second movement, “Bee Dance,” recreates the strange ‘waggle’ and ‘round’ dances that a bee performs to communicate to the rest of the hive where to find pollen-rich flowers. The dance begins slowly, with gentle, zephyr-like movements. The bees’ movements become increasingly tremulous and frenzied. The dance then calms into a slow, yet uneasy close.

Finally, “Winter Cluster” gives the audience a sense of restlessness as the bees cluster for warmth. The knocking figure indicates Spring is on the doorstep demanding Winter withdraw her hold on the world. While winter winds blow wildly in the violins and viola, the cello typifies the slow, deep drone of the Winter Cluster of bees. As the suite concludes, Winter frantically whirls in one last attempt to thwart Spring and the sound of Spring’s relentless knocking falls on the unhearing ears of the frozen Winter Cluster of lifeless bees.” – Jacob Eaton

PRESS PLAY Episode 40: The Beehive

production sponsors

Dr. Peter Burns

The Mary-Margaret Webb Foundation